Monday, October 27, 2014

Where to go to find information

If you have senior package information, grad bash, cap and gown or class officer questions, contact a senior class sponsor - Ms. Morrison (rm 892), Ms. Fudge (rm 802f), Ms. Dalton (rm 893)

If you have yearbook questions, contact Ms. Thomas (rm 859)

If you have a National Honor Society question, contact Ms. Sambol-Tosco (rm 159)

If you have a transcript request, contact Ms. Crusselle (rm 828)

If you have an ACT/SAT question, contact Ms. Patterson (rm 817)

If you need to request a FLVS course, have questions regarding credits, graduation requirements, dual enrollment or community service hour opportunities, contact your school counselor

If you need help with college applications or scholarships, come to College Quest on Monday and Tuesday from 2-3 in the media center