Wednesday, October 1, 2014

CARE Program at Florida State University

The CARE Summer Bridge Program (SBP) provides a comprehensive program of orientation and academic support designed to ease the transition from high school to college while building a strong academic foundation.  Applicants selected to participate in CARE will be first-generation college students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds who have demonstrated a strong desire to succeed.

Minimum Requirements and Eligibility:

  • Academic Requirements
    • 3.0+ GPA (weighted),
    • 1330+ SAT, and/or
    • 19+ ACT (applicants taking the ACT must also submit the ACT Writing Test)
  • Financial Eligibility Guidelines
    • Must be socioeconomically disadvantaged (as determined by financial documentation)
    • Students must apply for financial aid by completing the 2014-2015 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be found at All students admitted to SBP must be eligible for the Pell Grant during summer and fall/spring terms. The 2014-2015 FAFSA and supporting financial documentation ARE REQUIRED and must be submitted when applying to the CARE Summer Bridge Program.
  • Additional Eligibility Requirements
    • Must be a first-generation college student at time of enrollment (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree)
    • Must be a Florida resident
    • All CARE applicants must submit an official high school transcript AND complete the SSAR (Self-reported Student Academic Record). 

SATISFYING THESE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DOES NOT GUARANTEE ADMISSION. Florida State University and the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) are committed to providing access to higher education for educationally and economically disadvantaged students.  The CARE Admissions Committee only reviews applications that are complete, containing all required attachments. Decisions by the CARE Committee are based on a variety of factors including academic performance, test scores, student essays, educational history, socioeconomic background, and family educational level.

For more information, click here: FSU Summer Bridge