Monday, February 9, 2015

Information from Senior Class Meeting (2/6)


Senior Parent Night Meeting                March 31, 2015 @ 6:00pm - Auditorium

Senior Locker Clean Out         
            Seniors will clean out lockers beginning on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 through Tuesday, May 19, 2015.  They will turn in their locks to their assistant principal.  Their name and combination must be on the lock.  Return all textbooks to the bookroom.

Debts Cleared                                     March 13, 2015
            Check with Ms. Albertie (bookroom), Mrs. St. Hilaire (bookkeeper) or Ms. Martin

Book Turn-In                                         May 14, 2015

Last Day for Seniors                             TBA

Caps and Gowns       
            Caps and gowns will be distributed on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 8:00am in the auditorium at the senior assembly and collected immediately after the graduation ceremony.  All debts must be paid and the senior must be cleared by the administration before receiving a cap and gown.  All gowns must be returned immediately following Commencement Exercises for the student to receive their diploma documents.

Graduation Rehearsal                                    
            There will be two rehearsals.
(1)  May 22, 2015        Lee Auditorium                        8:00 a.m.

(2) June 1, 2015         Veterans Memorial Arena        TBA

Students may dress casually but still must adhere to student dress code.  Rehearsal is mandatory for all students who plan to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Attendance will be taken and those not in attendance will not participate in the Commencement Exercises.   Young ladies should wear the shoes that they plan to wear during the graduation ceremony.

Graduation   Monday, June 1,2015 @ 5:00 p.m. at the Veterans Arena
          The ceremony will be at the Veterans Memorial Arena.  Seniors should arrive at 4:00 p.m.  All guests will be required to present tickets as they enter the arena.  All guests are encouraged to arrive early, as it will cost $5.00 to park at and/or near the Arena.  At the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates will return their gowns before leaving the Arena.  Parents, make sure you have taken your child’s picture in his/her cap and gown earlier.  Horns, helium balloons, signs, banners, confetti or anything distracting to the ceremony will not be permitted into the arena.

What NOT to bring to rehearsal or graduation – purses, book bags, food, drink, gum, candy, balloons, toys, streamers, confetti, nicotine products, alcoholic beverages, cell phones, etc.  Each graduate will be thoroughly searched TWICE.  If you are caught with these items, you will be pulled from the graduation line.  If you exhibit behaviors unbecoming of a graduate during the commencement ceremony, your diploma, report card, and final transcript will be held at the school until such a time when an appointment can be made with the principal, the student, and the parents/guardian of the student.

Tickets for Graduation
     Each senior will be issued ten (10) tickets for graduation at the same time that they will pick up their caps and gowns (May 28, 2015).  Additional tickets will be available using the following format:
 ◊ Attend Awards Program                              Receive 2 additional tickets                            

 ◊ Student’s parent/guardian attends
    Parent Meeting                                            Receive 1 additional ticket per meeting        
  ◊ Student turns in permission slip
  to Mrs. Morrison on or before
  April 1, 2015                                                               Receive 2 additional tickets           
 ◊ Student has been labeled
   “College Ready”                                          Receive 2 additional tickets
    (both math and reading)

All additional tickets will be given out on May 28, 2015 (at the cap and gown disbursement).  We anticipate having a large crowd in attendance; therefore, we must be able to control the number of guests.  If extra tickets remain, a sign-up sheet will be posted (location TBA).  Students will be allowed to sign-up to receive additional tickets on a first come-first served basis.  These tickets, if extra remain; will be issued to students on May 29, 2015 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation if all requests cannot be honored.  Children over the age of 3 years MUST have a ticket.