Sunday, March 22, 2015

Important Information Regarding FCAT

Important Information for Seniors and Juniors who will need to take the FCAT

Students will be notified of testing dates and location via letter delivered to their 1st period teacher Monday, March 23rd.

Students will report directly to their testing location by 7:15 am (students will not be allowed to test if they arrive late) 

Students will be scheduled on either Tuesday, March 24th and Wednesday, March 25th or Thursday, March 26th and Friday, March 27th.  Please note FCAT reading is a two day test and students must take both sessions:  session 1 (day 1) and session 2 (day 2); the sessions cannot be taken on the same day.

Students who have completed all graduation requirements EXCEPT passing the required state assessments may participate in graduation ceremonies,
·       IF they have taken all applicable state graduation assessments each time they are given, AND
·       IF they have taken the ACT or SAT at least once