Wednesday, August 20, 2014

DCPS Post Secondary Readiness Milestones


Narrow your list of postsecondary options. Download college applications and financial aid forms.
-Create a master list or calendar that includes:
  • tests you will take and their fees, dates and registration timelines
  • college application due dates, fees
  • financial aid application forms required and their deadlines (aid applications may be due before college applications)
  • other materials you will need such as recommendations and transcripts
  • your high schools application processing deadlines (how far in advance do you need to request transcripts, recommendations)
-Ask for recommendations well in advance of your deadline. Make sure to provide a profile of information about you, your goals, interests and accomplishments for the recommendation writer. (Think about who you will ask to write the recommendation- preferably someone who KNOWS you and LIKES you).
-If you are submitting essays, write the first draft and ask teachers and others to review them.
-If you did not have your scores sent to the colleges you are applying to contact, College Board and ACT to have scores sent.
-Attend credit check meeting with counselor to review graduation status and postsecondary plans (September)
-Register for the ACT and/or SAT if higher scores are needed (check current costs on website or in school counseling office),
-Take the ACT and/or SAT if needed (tests are on various Saturdays Sept-June).
-Complete and submit college admissions applications (if eligible for test waivers may be eligible for fee waivers- check with counselor)
-complete scholarship applications