Thursday, May 14, 2015

FSCJ Scholarships - Due May 25th

If you are planning on attending FSCJ this fall and have not applied for scholarships, hurry!  The priority scholarship deadline is May 25th

There are pages of scholarships out there for FSCJ, don’t miss an opportunity for FREE money for college!

Directions for the general scholarship application is below. 
  1. Log into their FSCJ Connections Account (only applied students can apply for scholarships).
  2. Set-up their FSCJ Email (if they have not done so). The email set-up cannot be done at school because of the fire wall. On the home page for Connections, there is a big button on the left that says email. Once they click it and put in their FSCJ user name and password and select their time zone, they should go right to their email. 
  3. Next go back to the Connections home page. Click on “scholarships” (three up from the bottom on the right side on the main Connections page).
  4. Once on the page with the list of scholarships, click “Sign-up” (up in the top right corner).
  5. On the next page they need to use their FSCJ email to sign-up. That email will be their FSCJ student user id and
  6. An email will be sent their FSCJ email and they can link to the application.
    • The essay is required.
    • They need two letters of recommendations or the email addresses of two people willing to act as references.