Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jesse B. Smith Scholarship - Due 5/15

Jesse B. Smith
Memorial Scholarship
The Jesse B. Smith Memorial Scholarship Review Committee is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for deserving and qualified persons residing in Duval County. Scholarships of $1,000.00 are intended for the 2015-2016 academic year and must be used for tuition expenses at any higher education institution located in Duval County offering an undergraduate or graduate degree in urban studies, planning, public administration or a related field. Applications and other related information are available at the Jacksonville Planning and Development Department, 214 North Hogan Street, Suite 300, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, or by download from
(Jesse B. Smith Memorial Scholarship link found on the left-hand side of this web page).

The deadline for applications is Friday, May 15, 2015.